Algotech Company, as the gold sponsor of the Technobank 2017, presented an innovation in its business portfolio – Aurora Breaking Down Silos – business processes automation concept.
Company Algotech has, on this year’s Technobanku held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Belgrade on the 29th and 30th of March 2017, presented the Aurora Breaking Down Silos concept focusing on the standardization and upgrading the company’s internal and external communication. AURORA, through the use of data processing in defined processes, optimizes information flow, which ensures that the right people (employees) get the relevant and punctual information in this business communication chain. This way, the company increases its business communication’s effectiveness and efficiency, but also the satisfaction of employees, as well as the clients. Namely, Aurora ensures all necessary data in the first interaction between company and user and increases existing clients’ satisfaction and loyalty through efficient query-solving in just one interaction.
Nikola Korać, sales director at Algotech, has, during his presentation, pointed out key ways to break down those sluggish business process in closed company silos, where the business performance upgrades are achieved by implementing the complete business processes automation and upgrade through:
- Integrated access to management of business internal and external communication (Breaking Down Silos)
- Customer Care
- Knowledge Base
- Human Resources
Case study Aurora – a solution for upgrading Banka Intesa’s customer satisfaction can be read here.