Three Decades of Innovation, Growth and Development

This year, Algotech is celebrating its 30th anniversary with the slogan Creating Experiences 3.0 and continues to improve and enhance its clients’ user experience.
2022 Gartner® Report for “Enterprise Conversational AI”

“Conversational AI Voice Bot” refers to voice technology, similar to chatbot, by which customers can talk to a virtual agent by calling a contact center.
30 YEARS empowering businesses, innovations and communications

Year 2022. stands out as a significant milestone for Algotech company. What began as a small family company has grown into an industry-leading system integrator of the most tech advanced solutions that employs more than 75 professionals.
A Place Where All Banks Gather

After a one-year break due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the 20th jubilee Technobank conference will be organized next week, bringing together in one place all those working in banking and financial sector.
New Era of Superior Customer Experience From The Cloud

Every year, Genesys® delivers more than 70 billion remarkable customer experiences for organizations in over 100 countries. Through the power of the cloud and AI, our technology connects every customer moment across marketing, sales and service on any channel, while also improving employee experiences.
We have implemented a digital queue management solution for the Austrian Media Markt

Media Markt, as one of the largest technical goods retail chains in Europe, with more than 1,000 stores, assisted by Algotech Austria and using digital queue management solutions (digital QMS), introduced a system in record time that improved and accelerated the online goods ordering and collection process.
Change Your Video Background in Webex Meetings

With the Webex Meetings mobile app for iOS devices, you can join meetings, events, and training sessions from your iPhone or iPad Pro. If your current surroundings are distracting, you can hide them by using a blurred or virtual background.
Cisco Internet Of Things: Connecting towards the Future

Cisco Connect conference was held at 19th of March 2019. at the Hotel Crown Plaza in Belgrade. The main topic of this year’s conference was: Global Vision, Local Knowledge. Conference attendees had a chance to discover business trends in digital environment.