Headsets for office & call center with noise cancellation and superior sound – Bluetooth headsets and speakers – Wireless sport headphones – True wireless …
Headsets and speakerphones for work:
This range of headsets and speakerphones is specially optimized for office and call center environments. They work out of the box with leading UC platforms from Cisco, Microsoft, Avaya, and more. All models follow strict hearing protection standards to shield your ears from sudden spikes in volume and make sure you’re not exposed to damaging sound levels throughout your work day.
Noise-cancelling headsets:
Made for loud open offices, noise-cancelling headsets are designed to block background noise and help you focus. They offer passive noise cancellation that filters out high-frequency noise. Higher-end models also incorporate active noise cancellation technology, which uses tiny microphones to pick up ambient noise and generate an “anti-noise” signal, actively countering low-frequency sounds. When you’re not on a work call, you can use these headsets to listen to your music.