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Best Workflow Automation and Paperless Office Platform

Empower your business with

ECM and Workflow automation solutions

Achieve multiple benefits by implementing our solution and transforming your business by moving from traditional paper forms to a paperless work environment.

Minimize paper dependency by implementing native eForms management system. Improve information availability, quality and security, reduce costs at any time and any place! Native paper-free environment is the best way to reduce existing costs, improve efficiency and productivity, and achieve a significant increase in revenue through the improvement of existing sales process.

"We are proud to work with our best and largest brands."

You wish to transform your
traditional office to digital & paper-free?

How does it work?


Intuitive and fast creation of
dynamic e-forms catalog

Creating a catalog

Administrator of the company account creates a catalog where e-form templates are stored.

Define groups with roles and privileges

Assign every employee to the certain group and role with appropriate privileges. Track workload and performance, manage working processes and capture data across your organization and with every customer.

Importing e-form templates

The process of tranforming paper forms into electronic ones is fully simplified and very fast. 

Creating workflows

Each workflow is defined with all of its characteristics.


Eliminate the need for programming resources

Easily convert Microsoft Office documents

Quickly convert existing PDF forms into dynamic e-forms


Business process automation makes it easier to finish the work and increase business efficiency by as much as 79%

What Our Clients Said About Us?

"As your company has thousands of employees, the work in the Human Resources sector is very complex and extensive.

Thanks to Algothech solution, we have successfully optimized the work process itself and significantly accelerated the realization of requirements such as requests for vacations, unpaid leaves, sick leaves...
Telekom Srbija